Health ***Pending***
Welcome to the Health Page! Like all the other pages, this one is dedicated to supporting the improvement and growth of health in all aspects. I break down health into two main catergoies.
Health = Physical health x Mental health
Physical Health ***Pending***
I try and break this down into three main components: Phyusical health = Diet x Excercise x Sleep.
Mental Health Journey 2019 - 2024: 17th December 2024
The photo on the left was taken just one week before the photo on the right. Fortunately, I was able to recognize the signs of a manic episode early and, with a couple of months of therapy and medication, get back on track.
I was never officially diagnosed with mania by a psychiatrist at the time, but I always knew something felt off. My real introduction to the world of mental health challenges came in 2019 when my twin brother was hospitalized for his own safety and the safety of others. That experience opened my eyes, particularly to mania and bipolar disorder. Looking back, I realize how lucky I was to have gone 28 years without facing similar struggles myself.
What helped me then—and continues to help me now—is maintaining a routine of eating well, sleeping properly, exercising, and cutting out drugs and alcohol. But as life would have it, a few days ago, I experienced my first officially diagnosed manic episode.
The good news? I’m doing okay and getting the help I need. Having supported my brother for three years, I knew exactly what steps to take when it became my turn. Taking my medication on time, prioritizing sleep, and allowing my body and mind the time they need to heal are my top priorities.
I’m incredibly grateful that my brother made a full recovery, and I’m hopeful for the same outcome. Catching this condition early has already made a significant difference in my recovery process. That’s why I want to encourage you all to educate yourselves about mania—understanding the signs can truly make a difference. You can find free resources on the topic here: Mind: Hypomania & Mania.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my thoughts on mental health. It’s a conversation that needs to be had. If you ever have questions or just want to talk, feel free to reach out via phone or LinkedIn.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and an amazing 2025—cheers to health, happiness, and healing